The Devil of New Haven is out!
Watch it now!
The Devil of New Haven runs for just over 5 minutes (including the easter egg), which is the longest animation I've ever done. Storyboarding and character design took about a week, then it took 2 more weeks to animate it.
I consider The Devil of New Haven to be my first "story driven" animation, and by that I mean the first story I've done that has a lot of dialogue. It forced me to finally (and seriously) learn how to lipsync, and I think I've somewhat got the hang of it. Now I just have to learn how to make characters "feel" a little more, and maybe match their facial expressions to the mood of the scene. No more smiling while your running away from a demonic scarecrow, although your friends just being massacred IS funny, I still don't think you shouldn't be grinning that much!
On a side note something weird happened to me while animating The Devil of New Haven. I never got to the point where the excitement of a new animation wares off, and the dread of not being close to finishing sets in, making you want to just abandon the project all together. It never happened. o.O I guess I'm lucky though, otherwise I might not have finished.
On another side note: I'm hoping to get 3 more projects finished before the year ends!
1) Christmas is coming soon, and me and Zach are teaming up once again! I'm not going to reveal too much, but as of right now the story is looking pretty cool. (Yes we have started! :P) It's going to be based around a kid, and his fear of santa. Now don't ask why he is scared of someone so jolly, lets just say an old man might tell him a story... (ANYONE SEE CONNECTIONS? LOL)
2) I want to finish an animation I started almost two years ago titled "With The Flip of A Coin" It was the first story I ever completely storyboarded, but sadly I gave up after a few days of work because scene 3 calls for a walkcycle, and two years ago, that was WAAYY out of my league.
3) A GAME! My programming skills are nowhere near awesome, but I can program decently, and I want to make a game for two reasons: 1) To get better at programming! 2) Because the game is to "flippin" (HINT HINT) to pass up. The only thing I'm gunna say about this game is this. You are a fish.
Anyways! That's it for me!
If you haven't watched yet do so now!
The Devil of New Haven
moar pr0n
-Dylan Meville